The Nordic Geotechnical Meetings
The NGM´s history goes back to 1950 when the first meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden. Since this event has been held every 4th year with tvo exceptions 1975 and 1984. Following list shows all of the meetings to date.
NGM´s history
Last NGM was held in Copenhagen 2012
The 16th Nordic Geotechnical Meeting was held in Coenhagen 9th to 12th of May 2012. The general level of the 53 presentations was very good and professional, 255 delegates participated and 95 papers were published in two proceedings volumes. See more at following links;
- Summary of NGM 2012 in Copenhagen - Overwiew from NGM 2012, PP-presentation (in Icelandic). - NGM 2012 - Presentations from the Conference 2012 - The future NGM - The Nordic Geotechnical Meetings
The "future" is already here, see the websites:
The 18th NGM 2020 Helsinki The 19th NGM 2024, Götenburg |